Lee likes to think, speak and write about the future. He is often having coffee, libations, and/or online forums with fellow futurists to discuss emerging topics. He shares perspective publicly by giving conference (and online) presentations and writing about the future.



Lee is an accomplished public speaker known for his dynamic, entertaining and highly visual presentation style. He has engaged audiences at TEDx, South by Southwest, Commonwealth Club, Young Presidents Organization, AIGA Design Conference, Design Management Institute, Association of Professional Futurists, and World Future Society. Lee is currently conducting online presentations to accommodate the restrictions we all face with COVID 19, focusing on post pandemic futures.


In this talk, Lee Shupp explores our relationship with technology as it related to "wearables" - the technology that will be on us, and then in us, and then ...

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Writing the Future

Lee enjoys writing, and he is a frequent contributor to publications that focus upon the future. His latest publication is “Which Way America? Four Alternative Futures” in the recently released book entitled Aftershocks and Opportunities: Scenarios for a Post Pandemic Future. He is currently writing a chapter for the sequel to be released in August 2020. 



Offering expertise to the media

Lee has offered expertise on segments about the future on BBC, CNN, NPR, and CNET. He has been interviewed for articles in many publications including American Demographics, Ad Age, Ad Map, and The Silicon Valley Business Journal. 



Teaching the future

Lee teaches foresight courses at the university level in many different settings. He has developed Master’s level foresight courses at California College of the Arts, where students can earn a DMBA (an MBA with Design emphasis). He teaches Intro to Foresight, the required entry level foresight course for DMBA students, where they learn the foundational tools and approaches used in foresight work. He has taught Foresight Venture Studio, the capstone course for the program where students turn final projects into real world business ventures. Lee is also a frequent guest lecturer in other university settings, where he shares expertise on foresight, market research and design thinking. 




Lee Shupp's cultural trend presentation has been among the best I've seen and I still recall the positive audience response. While I led consumer insights at Levi's, Lee addressed a group of designers, merchandisers and marketing teams so they could be tuned into the cultural Zeitgeist - and they were able to derive new ideas, platforms and programs as a result.

- Michael Perman, Levi Strauss


I had the pleasure of learning from Lee at California College of the Arts. Lee blends an enthusiastic eye toward the future with business acumen and strategic insight. He has an incredible knowledge of the foresight field and an ability to apply foresight to business action. Lee effectively switches between long-term high-level thinking and immediate tactical application to translate vision into specific actions in the present. As a colleague, Lee is a continual inspiration - seeking to identify disruptors and shift them toward opportunities.

- Alida Draudt
